Who is Slimee? Why is he here?!
Hey everyone, Slimee here. I've tossed around the idea of starting a blog for many years now, and have even started a few back in the day, and then never maintained. I think I've finally cured my writer's block after being turned on to Twitter. So I broke off a little chunk of the interwebs for myself, and plan to use it write about my own personal thoughts and opinions, as well as the out-of-the-ordinary things that go on in my life. I also plan to talk about various news stories that I find interesting as well as any sorts of reviews for products I've used or things I've seen. And every Thursday I will post my thoughts and reactions to the previous night's episode of ABC's LOST. To those curious, the name "Slimee" is an original derivitive of "Slimer" from the Ghostbusters. It's a handle I've been using for almost a decade now, and I've grown quite fond of the name, often times forgetting that Slimer actually did come before Slimee, but I digress. So yeah, this has just been a nice brief little introduction, I look forward to writing many more posts in the future :)